lördag 13 december 2008

Jul, Jul, Strålande Jul...

I'm feeling christmassy! After a hectic week of rehearsals for choir and class concerts, including an early morning choir concert (7.30am), today was a nice relaxing break.
A group of 6 of us did a lucia concert (i was lucia) in a barn/cafe in a nearby village which was all christmassy and cosy. We got taken in a limosine (swish!) and walked in singing in traditional fashion with candles on my head etc, then we sang 6 songs (in swedish can i just say, i learned absolutely all the words to each one, nobody noticed i wasn't swedish!) and had free fika afterwards which was lovely! Then we got taken back to school in the limo and we also got 100 kronor each! Really nice, everbody said they enjoyed it too! I had quite a bit of wax in my hair afterwards but i picked most of it out now!
So anyway, that was an experience, now I am really looking forward to going home for christmas (less than a week!), especially since we had swedish christmas dinner on friday, which was not nice at all (lots of different types of fish and lots of mustardy weird stuff, and fish eggs and eww..). I can't wait to be home for proper english christmas food, and the christmassy decorated house, and endless films by the fire! And mulled wine! And english christmas carols in the pub! But most of all family time (obviously)! I'm thinking about christmas pressies at the moment, hoping I'll get them sorted in time! It's not very easy this year!

Tomorrow I think I'll bake something (thanks for the recipes marit!)..I'm in the mood and bought some ingredients, but I'm also going to concentrate on uni stuff for next year which is important (and stressful!). I think we also have a rehearsal tomorrow for the class christmas concert (oh yeah!). Gosh I'm busy, I'm just glad I didn't go to this party in Stockholm tonight as I was planning to.
I forgot to say about the concert, we have 2 45 minute slots with fika in between, for the first we are doing a swedish fairytale with music (i'm doing a solo) and for the next we are having a normal concert. We'll see how it goes..

Photos of Lucia up soon, as soon as I get them from parents who were taking them.

Love Anna
p.s. i hope james gets in touch soon!

1 kommentar:

Marit sa...

swedish christmas food is horrible (except for the meatballs), especially at Bollnäs folkhögskola. The swedish christmas cookies, cakes and candies are great though.
good luck with the concert and say hello to Katrin from me!