I'm wondering whether I can/should keep this blog going. It is only now, a day when I'm so sick I can barely get out of bed, that I have time to write. Not many readers either, although it's good for personal reflection anyway. There is some irritating loud bass coming from somewhere a block down, and some odd noises coming from upstairs (i think) but it's generally ok. Apart from the fact there is a school playground right outside my bedroom window, and they often have whole days of PE in it. They can hardly call it a 'study bedroom' can they? But the library is great. I've been spending alot of time there. At first when I was given all the reading and assignments I have to do this year I freaked out a little bit, and still do on occasion, but when I got stuck in I thought - finally how refreshing it is to study something interesting. Which Anthropology most certainly is. So I'm looking forward to getting into the swing of things. This sickness being a minor blip. I have the nicest flat mates though, we are 8 girls from all over england, asia and america and we all get on so well. My bestie Soundus, who is in the room opposite mine, is especially brilliant and lovely and stayed in my room all last night looking after me when I was being sick. Don't really know what caused this but hopefully it will pass. Not had the dreaded swine flu yet - touch wood.
So yeah, London is great so far, although I haven't ventured a lot further than London bridge and Greenwich. But that is mostly due to so much happening around here. I've joined just about every society, the ones I actually have been active in being Women's football, the Feminist Society and the Palestine Twinning Campaign. Last night we had a PTC hip-hop night at the union, and there is an annual trip to Palestine at easter which I think would be a great opportunity. I also have to write a letter to senior management of the university questioning their decision to give the university less scholarships for palestinian students than finally agreed upon after the students occupied the Deptford town hall last spring.
I've been to an English session in Greenwich which happens on tuesdays (along with just about everything else I want to do) which was nice and friendly. Took along a German friend and a Norwegian. I have made good friends with many swedish people here and think this is great because we talk Swedish most of the time so hopefully I won't lose it. I am also joining Camden clog, which takes place this tuesday as it happens, but Michael Rosen is coming to speak at the student union for the Goldsmiths: Not for profit campaign. I would really like to go to that, so we'll see. Haven't met up with folky friends in London yet (well apart from Esbjorn from sweden who I've played with a few times), but there's plenty of time for all that.
So maybe one day I'll get round to telling the stories of my summer and all that, but for now I'll leave you with some of my ideas which I thought were some of my better ones: bringing my thermos flask and dictionary, getting a sainsbury's nectar card. I wonder if I'm going to be sick again.
Love Anna
2 kommentarer:
Anna, my dear. Keep up the blogging, I love reading it. xx
I love your blog too, Anna, so I hope you keep blogging! Stumbled upon it through....gosh, I'm not sure now; Jackie Morris? Joel Stewart? Anyway, no matter - I'm a big fan, and get well soon!
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