Monday was better, I recieved a parcel from home! That was really nice and in it was a key to the basement storage rooms, where rowan and oona had left me lots of things for my room etc, so that was fun:
oops rotate doesn't work.
Anyway, then we went to the spelmanslag, which is always fun and you meet and play with lots of people and it sounds really good. I've only been twice but I really enjoy it. After that we got back and I spontaneously decided to make scones, face scones, so we did. And then we ended up having a party in my room. Maybe cos i'd made it a bit nicer. Anyway, was all good fun, even if nobody left til very late so i am tired today.

tonight i think some people are going to Bollnas jass club to see some people play. Might go, or might sleep, i'm not sure yet.
I have also been doing alot of knitting and crocheting lately (virkira, it's called in swedish, which is coming on by the way) so this is a picture of stuff i made (legwarmers and a hat mainly). But in like 2 days! Because I sometimes do it in bed for like an hour at a time!
I am especially proud of my new hat which I finished today:
In other news, here is the painting in my room which i stole from the corridor outside, slippers that i nicked from lisa's temporarily), ice skates i got given, a drum i got, the book i'm reading, which olof bought for me, to help me with my swedish, cushions i bought from kupan, my braids which are now dredding, but i don't want to take them out, and family which i miss. (whom i miss?) ahh skit samma!
I probably miss you too.
1 kommentar:
hej Anna
this is oona, how are you in Bollnäs? how is your swedish going?and playing? i really miss all the people, our room, the autumn....
i see you have my drum and iceskates. I forgot to tell, but when i was i bollnäs this summer to get my stuff, i left the drum because we hadn't got any space left for it in the car... so maybe i take it at återvändaren, but in the mean while you can take care of it (which i see you do, because it's hanging safely on the wall) :)
for the ice-skates i haven't decided yet, but use them if there is ice on the lake!! (not yet probably..)
i hope you're having a nice time! see you in november
love from Oona
ps. the pettson books are really good!
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