måndag 28 juli 2008
Finally home for a few days at least..
It was really nice to see everyone at Warwick, but was sad to say goodbye (for a long time) this morning, i'll miss them all so much, but hopefully some visits to Sweden will be arranged next year.
Cath's just gone to pick Rowan and Marit up from sheffield station which is exciting and relieving as I was worried about them flying to Estonia.
I must sleep now, for a long time.
måndag 7 juli 2008
Home from Sweden..
So I finally got home yesterday at about 1pm, without my massive bag as it was still in Copenhagen, but is being delivered here which saved me having to carry it home (whey!). Was nice to see Cath again who I'd not seen for ages, and we watched a bit of the Federer-Nadal tennis match and I went to bed at half 3, to wake up at half 9 absolutely sure it was the morning. I was so confused and tired! So went to bed again, and woke up this morning slightly more refreshed (but still sad and missing everyone terribly). I hadn't slept in a bed since Tobias' house on thursday night after ethno (which was amazing, we got to stay in his guest house in his massive garden, of his massive house). His parents cooked amazing food for us and were so nice, thanks Tobias! So it was nice to have a couple of days relaxation in Rättvik, which is probably one of the most beautiful places i've been to. We went swimming and sunbathing by the lake for a long time.. i've gone a bit brown! The bridge over the lake is about 900m long, and each plank has a name on it (people who have contributed). We spent many nights there at ethno.
On friday we got the bus to Boda for the Spelmansstämma (festival) and met up with a few ethnoers which was nice, and we played and ate and had a nice time, until we realised there were no buses back to Rättvik the next day in time for our trains, so we had to take the tent down, and hitch a lift with some strangers at 4 in the morning back to Rättvik. We were literally crammed in like sardines, and I was lying on a russian girl i'd never met, but we managed to survive it in one piece (thanks strangers!).
haha sorry Marit!
We then ended up pitching the tent round the back of the school, trying to be inconspicuous, although it's bright red and says 'fältält' on the side. Anyhow, we managed to get about 4 hours sleep. On saturday it rained, so we cafe hopped for a bit, until we decided the library was the best place to go. It really was, I found a wooden igloo in the children's section packed with pillows and fell asleep for a good 3 hours which was brilliant, maybe not for the kids wanting to play in it though. I positioned a book just incase I got caught.
So eventually me and Rowan got our train to Arlanda Airport, where we then slept for the night (barely, because of many loud pissed people) and got up at 4am to check-in. We flew at 6 and changed at Copenhagen, and I slept the whole way without even noticing take-off or landing (even though I was squidged between two fat men reading newspapers) which made the flights better as usually my ears hurt alot, but this time they didn't.
Rowan enjoying the children's play area:
I'm still tired and sad, as I met some certain special people at ethno, and don't know when or if i'll see them again... but here are some pictures..

scotland and england in the concert, and africa..
It's impossible to sum it up in a few pictures, but there are more if you click here: (link to come)
lördag 5 juli 2008
Still in Rattvik..
I have to go, the library is closing and I am not making much sense, will blog later x